Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA), every organisation is required to develop and implement policies and practices that are necessary to meet its obligations under the PDPA.

Every organisation is required by law to designate at least one individual, known as the Data Protection Officer (DPO), to oversee data protection responsibilities within and ensure compliance with the PDPA.

OK, I wish to:

The Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) was established on 2nd January 2013 to administer and enforce the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA). It serves as Singapore’s main authority in matters relating to personal data protection.

In administering and enforcing the PDPA, PDPC aims to balance the need to protect individuals’ personal data and the needs of organisations to use the data for legitimate purposes.


MODETTI® services to submit DPO details

Under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), organisations are required to designate at least one individual as the organisation’s DPO, and making the DPO’s business contact information (BCI) publicly available.

Since 3rd July 2020, ACRA registered entities (including sole-proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and companies) received email notices to register and update their DPO’s BCI via ACRA’s BizFile⁺ portal.

MODETTI® may assist you to do so with the following services:

1. If you're a MODETTI® client for address services or plan to +

Option a1 Fees
If you’ll like our help as one-time service, register CorpPass, add users, assign e-services, then self-terminate; all within days. $300
And to submit the details of your assigned DPO + $30


Option a2 Fees
If you’ll like our help as 1 year service, register CorpPass, add users, assign e-services, then help your entity manage its CorpPass account as CorpPass Admin/ Sub-Admin. $500
And to submit the details of your assigned DPO Free


Option a3 Fees
If you’ll like our help as one-time service, to submit your DPO details in ACRA BizFile. $120


2. If your entity has MODETTI® Professional Company Secretary +

Option b1 Fees
If you’ll like our help as one-time service, register CorpPass, add users, assign e-services, then self-terminate; all within days. $300-$150 = $150
And to submit the details of your assigned DPO + $20


Option b2 Fees
If you’ll like our help as 1 year service, register CorpPass, add users, assign e-services, then help your entity manage its CorpPass account as CorpPass Admin/ Sub-Admin. $500-$100 = $400
And to submit the details of your assigned DPO Free


Option b3 Fees
If you’ll like our help as one-time service, to submit your DPO details in ACRA BizFile. $200-$120 = $80


3. If your entity has MODETTI® Named/ Practising Company Secretary +

Option c1 Fees
If you’ll like our help as one-time service, register CorpPass, add users, assign e-services, then self-terminate; all within days. $300-$50 = $250
And to submit the details of your assigned DPO + $20


Option c2 Fees
If you’ll like our help as 1 year service, register CorpPass, add users, assign e-services, then help your entity manage its CorpPass account as CorpPass Admin/ Sub-Admin. $500-$50 = $450
And to submit the details of your assigned DPO Free


Option c3 Fees
If you’ll like our help as one-time service, to submit your DPO details in ACRA BizFile. $200-$100 = $100



MODETTI® Contact Services to meet ACRA, PDPC requirements

PDPC has been reminding and sending notices to companies, CorpPass admins.

Your entity’s DPO details are to be submitted in ACRA Bizfile before 30 September 2024.

Most companies have not done so, being stuck and unable to, without having an office mainline or dedicated phone, email contact information to cater to PDPC and the public.

If signup a phone line just for complying, that costs much more than this. Correct?

MODETTI® Contact Services provide your Singapore company with a Singapore business type office telephone number, serving as a shared DPO Mainline so you can provide to ACRA, PDPC and also publicise on your website, business cards all as DPO contact information.

MODETTI® officers manually sort and filter messages meant for your company so you/ your DPO can callback or reach the concerned party if necessary.

A Singapore business email account is provided free with this, example which forwards emails directly to you!


Lowest cost to safely comply with PDPC, ACRA requirements so you can focus on doing your business.


MODETTI® Data Protection Officer (DPO) services

Under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), organisations are required to designate at least one individual as the organisation’s DPO, and making the DPO’s business contact information (BCI) publicly available.

An organisation may appoint one or a team of persons to be its DPO. Organisations with manpower or capability constraints can also consider outsourcing parts of the DPO function to service providers.

While the PDPC does not prescribe or specify the academic qualifications and experience of your DPO, the appointee should have a clear set of practical guidelines for the management.

MODETTI® Data Protection Officer services are on an outsourced basis, available since 2018 starting with select corporation clients in different industries.

We focus on practical, practisable processes tailored for individual clients.

Textbook theories do not apply and by our good experience, we help guide companies with simple and effective workflow.

There is the need for compliance, data protection and privacy; and to balance the operational costs without importing excessive processes.

We do that just fine.




If you’ve subscribed to our service and given the link here to input your DPO information, please complete form below and submit soon.

Register/ Update DPO here


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